Author Guidelines
A Brief Summary
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry abbreviated J.Trop. Pharm. Chem., firstly published in 2010, is a six-monthly published, open access, peer-reviewed, and online international pharmacy journal. Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry aims to serve the updated scientific knowledge for international researchers in Pharmacy and Chemistry area.
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry is indexed in PKP Index, BASE, Google Scholar, SINTA, CrossRef, and DOAJ.
Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry receives the publication article about research results, surveys, and literature reviews which is closely related to the field of pharmacy, health, chemistry and accepts review articles, original research articles and short communications only in English. The journal includes various fields of pharmaceuticals sciences such as Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmacokinetics, Community and Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology, Regulatory Affairs and Pharmaceutical Marketing Research, and Alternative Medicines. Peer-review system has been used in the selection of papers. The article published in the result of selection that has been approved by Editors Board. It also has never appeared in another publication.
Manuscript Style
- The article is written in English and compiled systematically.
- Original research articles - original research papers which have not been published previously and should not exceed 3000 words (including allowance for no more than 6 tables and figures or other illustrations).
- Review articles - will be taken into account for publication in the field of the journal's scope. The review should not exceed 5000 words (including allowance for no more than 6 tables and figures or other illustrations).
- Short communications - Short communications of up to 1500 words, describing work that may be of a preliminary nature but which merits immediate publication.
The manuscripts should be divided into the following sections:
- An abstract (maximum 300 words) embodying the main conclusion and giving the essential information and accompanied with 3 -5 keywords
- Introduction - should give the research objective and a brief statement of previous relevant work with references;
- Experimental
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgment
- References
All illustrations including figures, charts, and graphs, must be labeled (in the bottom), numbered (1, 2, 3 etc) and supplied on separate pages from the text. The desired placement of illustrations in the text should be clearly indicated. These illustrations should be referred to and numbered serial, as figures. All illustrations should be clearly drawn in permanent ink or photographed in sharp black and white and reproduced in the form of high – contrast glossy prints or digital images and provided in camera-ready form.
Reference list format is based on Numberd Style [1, 2]. The reference list should appear at the end of the article and includes only literature actually cited in the manuscripts. The author should use reference management tools such as Mendeley, EndNote and Grammarly. References style are Numbered and chronologically. When writing a reference list, please use the following conventions
Sample of reference sytle:
[1] Author, Year. Title. Journal. Volume. Issue. Pages. (reference style for journal)
[2] Author, Year. Title. Publisher. Place (reference style for book)
Submission and Publication in Journal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry is Free of Charge
Submission only can be done via online